Comparative Analysis of the Multipliers

Till now we have seen classification as well as some examples of multipliers like Braun, Booth, Wallace Tree and Dadda Multiplier. This article will present a comparative analysis of the multipliers. The comparison will be between the the two types of multipliers i.e. Array and Tree. Each one has its own merits and demerits. We will be diving in the details.


Array Multiplier

Tree Multiplier

Operation Speed

Low Speed

High Speed

Time Delay

More Delay

Most Delay


More Area (More Adders)

Medium Area


Less Complex

More Complex

Power Consumption

Very High


                   Table 1: Analysis of different types of multipliers

Design Summary

Array Multiplier

Tree Multiplier

No. of slice flip-flops

6 (2400 available)

8 (2400 available)

Total no. of 4 input LUTs


12 (2400 available)

IOB flip-flops



Total equivalent gate count



Total Power Consumed



                            Table 2: Comparison between the design parameters

Table 3: Complexity of Multipliers

Table 4: Delay Comparison

From the above tables, it is clear that tree multiplier is an advanced version in comparison with array multiplier. The operation speed, area and efficiency is of a tree multiplier is greater than it's counterpart. But it comes at a cost. The delay, complexity and power consumption is more in a tree multiplier. Tree multiplier uses partial products which is absent in array multipliers. Hence they require more gates as compared to tree multipliers.

Finally, one has to choose a multiplier based on his application. For academic purposes or less complex tasks, array multiplier would be sufficient. But instances where area and speed are of utmost importance tree multiplier is a must.

This was all from our blog "Multipliers in Digital Circuits". Thank you for your time. Hoping to write more technical blogs in the future.


[1]  Deeksha Kiran D K, Shilpa R, Kavyashree B, VLSI Implementation of Braun Multiplier using Full Adder, International Conference on Current Trends in Computer, Electrical, Electronics and Communication (ICCTCEEC-2017).

[2]  S.Alexander, A Review of Different Multipliers in Digital Circuits, International Journal of MC Square Scientific Research Vol.4, No.1 Nov 2012.

[3]  Sakthivel.B 1, K. Maheshwari 2, J. Manojprabakar 3, S.Nandhini 4, A.Saravanapriya5, IMPLEMENTATION OF BOOTH MULTIPLIER AND MODIFIED BOOTH MULTIPLIER, International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Research (IJRTER), Conference on Electronics, Information and Communication Systems (CELICS’17).

[4]  Priyanka Mishra1, Seema Nayak2, A study on Wallace tree multiplier, International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering, April 2018.

[5]  B. Ramkumar, V. Sreedeep and Harish M Kittur, Member, IEEE, A Design Technique for Faster Dadda Multiplier.


[7] Shanmuganathan, R., & Brindhadevi, K. (2019). Comparative analysis of various types of multipliers for effective low power. Microelectronic Engineering.

Authors: Utkarsh Jakate, Chinmay Jangle, Dhananjay Joijode, Sameer Karoshi


  1. Great work 👍. Very well explained 👍💯.

  2. Very helpful and informative.....great job!!!

  3. Very well written
    In depth analysis
    Cleared all my concepts

  4. Done good analysis on Multipliers !!

  5. Informative and very well written!!

  6. Replies
    1. Yes, we explained all important information about multipliers !

  7. Very informative and interesting

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks Chinmay
      Your blog on "Opportunities in VLSI industry" was also very informative

  9. Well written and thoroughly researched, good job!

  10. Comparison beautifully explained!!

  11. Very informative. Keep up the nice work!

  12. I have worked on multiplier and it is good to see that you are sharing the very informative information about multipliers. Keep it up your good work.


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